Stefano Sanna 应用

NFC AppTag 1.0.1
Stefano Sanna
Select an app or type a package name to write an AndroidApplication Record (AAR) on a NFC tag. This tag will automaticallyopen the application (or the Android Market if it has not beeninstalled)
Guardian 1.0
Stefano Sanna
Guardian registers your SIM card serial numberand sends an alarm message to your preferred phone number if yourSIM card is replaced. You will all info of the unauthorized SIM,that you would forward to police department. Once installed, youneed to restart your phone to configure Guardian.
Linux Day Cagliari 1.0.4
Stefano Sanna
Applicazione del GULCh, Gruppo Utenti LinuxCagliari, di supporto al Linux Day 2013.Application of GULCh,Cagliari Linux Users Group, supporting the Linux Day 2013.
Bluetooth Samples 1.1
Stefano Sanna
This application demonstrates the features ofthe Experimental Android Bluetooth API. Check it out at: application is NOT intended for end-users: it is a demo fordevelopers that want to test features of unofficial AndroidBluetooth API.
Site Alert Widget 1.2.3
Stefano Sanna
Site Alert Widget helps to monitor yourwebsites. Just configure the widget with site URL, label andtimeinterval, a small icon on phone desktop will notify you if thesiteis OK or currently unreachable. Add as many widgets as manysitesyou have to watch and Site Alert Widget will monitor themforyou.
PTTestSmartphone 1.0
Stefano Sanna
Test for smartphonesTest forsmartphones
PlayStoreTest 1.7
Stefano Sanna
This is just for testing purposeTest for RdR
PTTestTablet 1.1
Stefano Sanna
Tablet testTablet test
Bluetooth Counter 1.0.5
Stefano Sanna
A simple widget that shows how manyBluetoothdevices have been discovered around you. Device count isupdatedevery five minutes. Compatible only with Android 1.x.This widget is based on opensource Android Bluetooth API.Checkit out at:
Display Info 2.3.0
Stefano Sanna
Fast way to get screen metrics!
Divina Commedia 1.2.5
Stefano Sanna
One of the greatest works of world literature in the originalvulgar language